"We exist to transform how South Bend [and surrounding areas] thrive—by collecting street-level data, connecting peers to vital resources, and creating evidence-based solutions that prove what works and scale what matters."

What is CLSB?

CLSB is a mobile coordination hub, assisting nonprofits direction to where help is needed most. By combining street-level outreach with real-time data collection for statistical change

Why Does Michiana Need CLSB ?

  •  over 200+ non-profits servicing the same area with little statistical change
  • programs overlap while leaving gaps in other areas
  • organizations compete instead of cooperate
  • money wasted which could be used for more impactful initiatives
  • no central way to measure what's working

Important to note:

Because of our founders lived experiences, we recognized the problem before the research


What we do

 [ Joe & Mike: Beyond the Kitchen Table Corp]   

 for non-profits

We LINK non-profits to solve problems together

       [Sue and Keith: Therapists who care] 

for peers

One stop-shop connection for peers in need and volunteering

                       [Levi Lewis: Mentor]

For Donors

 provides foundations and donors with street-level data and real impact metrics

 Having fun at the annual Men's Talk Conference dinner. Come Join Us!!


Contact us

Reach out to us today to see how we can help you make a difference in your community. 


Community Link South Bend
South Bend, Indiana, United States

website: communitylinksouthbend.com

email: linkup@communitylinksouthbend.com

This short survey will help us better understand your needs so we can provide better support!